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F-ing Diabolical

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  2. "Or what?" she pouted at him. "You'll snap my neck or laser me with your eyes?" she rolled her eyes as she sat there staring up to him with her big blue eyes. "You won't hurt me," she said as a command. "Besides, I'm here to play friends. This is just our meet and greet." "Hate what you've done with the place by the way. Sell outs never really do get to do what they want do they?" she tilted her head from side to side.
  3. "I don't like these sorts of games," he said. "I asked who you are and you're going to tell me now," he threatened pointing a red gloved finger at her.
  4. Starlight was enjoying seeing Ashley worried over how this was going. Truth be told she didn’t need to be so worried…but she wouldn’t tell her that right now. Let her squirm a bit, she thought as she smiled back at Brit. “We’re learning, times change…” She said, as she would let Brit off the hook publicly for that faux pas, but she was pretty much of the same mindset that it was really nothing to be worried about. Brit fielding the questions pretty easily, and the interviewer seemed to think so based on the look on their face. “So what you’re saying is that they have changed a lot, from a soldier to a more public figure, am I correct?” That was putting it mildly, but that was the general gist of it… It was possible that it might also work to improve her image in the public. Starlight thought that she did a good job too, smiling reassuringly at her. Time for the next question…”What advice do you have for the next generation of heroes? Surely you must have some sage words of wisdom.” Sure, Starlight would have figured a question like that was coming. After all, she had questions like that in every interview about what kind of advice she had to give. So it was a bit old hat by now, although she knew that for some, it was different.. “If I had to interject, and I know I’ve been asked a lot, but I’d say we are all meant to be a beacon of support for the next generation. We pave the way by making the world a safer place, and also we make sure that we set that example. Because that generation after us, they really are the ones we want to save” She thought that sounded just sappy enough that people would buy it hook, line, and sinker.
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