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F-ing Diabolical
  • Vought: Super Pals (single/group)

    • Character Requesting: Magnhild Nordskov
    • Suggested Playby: Shannon Purser/Open


    Vought: Super Pals is just like any other supe team in that it’s a group of supes who live and go on missions together, but that’s really where the similarities end. Most of the supes on this team have powers with little to no practical crime-fighting applications, and the “missions” they go on amount to little more than neighborhood patrols looking for cats to save from trees and litter to pick up or graffiti to clean and go home to their “HQ,” which is actually a remodeled group home in Staten Island, far enough to be away from all of the action that takes place in Manhattan or Brooklyn and just close enough to see it all happen.

    While the official reason teams like this exist is to help young supes who haven’t quite “figured out” how their powers can be useful, they really exist as a place where Vought can put supes on other teams when they misbehave.

    Co-Leader (25-27)

    This supe had been a co-leader of the Super Pals for a few years before Mags got there, starting as a co-leader herself before her former co-leader was transferred and replaced with Mags. She’s a basic level supe with emotion-based powers, reading, manipulating, even transferring the emotions of one person to another. Her old co-leader hand-picked her to help him with some of the neurodivergent members on the team. It didn’t take her long to get a sense for where those team members were at and build a rapport with them. Much like Mags, she also looks at the team as her younger siblings and wants them to stay unaware of the side of a lot of supes people don’t usually see in the media. This character is also meant to be a love interest for Mags with a fair bit of romantic tension between the two. I was thinking someone like Shannon Purser for the fc, but I am open to suggestion.

    Team members

    So, I don’t have any ideas for actual full characters when it comes to team members, but I have some general ideas that can be used if anyone wants to make a character.

    Character ideas:

    Supes who’ve been with the team a long time and still has a chip on their shoulder about being sent to the team.

    Supe who know why they’re there and are just happy to part of the team.

    Supes Vought doesn’t believe are easy to market (not conventionally attractive, neurodivergent, disabled, etc.)

    Suggested supe powers:

    Slime mimicry/generation

    Flexible skeleton/organs

    Anatomical liberation

    Stench generation

    Astral projection




    Holographic projection

    Flat body

    Garbage mimicry

    Spring form

    You can also do more conventional powers can be used but difficult to control or subverted in ways that make them less effective in crime fighting. For example, someone having super speed in terms of their physical ability but being mentally unable to perceive things clearly when traveling at high speeds. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

    PM me here or talk to me on Discord if you’re interested.

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